Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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builder a person who puts things together to make something, especially houses or other structures that people live or work in.
clothing things that you wear to cover the body; clothes.
cub the young of some mammals that eat meat, such as the bear and lion.
duty something that a person should do because it is right or fair.
hill a raised area of land smaller than a mountain.
hole an open or hollow place in something.
include to have or contain as a part of the whole.
jar a round container with a wide mouth. A jar is often made of glass and has a lid.
listen to try to hear.
move to change position or place.
plow a heavy farm tool pulled by a tractor or animal, used to open the ground for planting.
ranch a large farm where cattle, horses, or sheep are raised. There are many ranches in the plains of the United States.
shortcut a quicker or more direct way to go somewhere.
untrue not correct or accurate; false.
wheelbarrow a device used to carry rocks, soil, leaves, and other materials for short distances. A wheelbarrow has one or two wheels, two legs at the back, and handles for a person to push.