Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amorphous lacking definite form, shape, or character.
figurative not meant to be interpreted in a literal way; metaphorical.
gawk to look at someone or something fixedly and somewhat dopily; gape.
hedonistic adhering to or characterized by the principle that pleasure should be the primary aim in life.
intone to recite in musical or lengthened tones, especially in a monotone; chant.
litany any recital that involves repetition or incantation, especially a long or monotonous account, as of one's troubles.
malice the wish to harm others; ill will.
materialize to become fact; be realized.
patronage the financial or other support given to a business establishment by its customers or clients.
populace the people who live in a particular place.
posit to propose or suggest as an account of something or as a contribution to an understanding of something.
reproach to express disapproval of or disappointment with (someone); censure.
retard to cause (growth, development, or the like) to be slow or incomplete; stunt.
seemly in accord with decency and propriety; suitable; fitting; decorous.
sheathe to put in a tight, protective case.