Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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actual truly existing, or being something that is real or true.
capitalism an economic system in which land, factories, and other resources are owned by individuals instead of the government. In this system, the prices of things we buy are decided by the people who sell them and not by the government.
comparable nearly the same or equal in degree or quality.
controversy a disagreement; debate.
credibility the quality of being believable, or the power to cause others to believe.
depletion drastic lessening; exhaustion.
divert to turn aside or away from something.
enlist to sign up to serve in the military or in some cause.
exasperate to bother or annoy to the point of causing anger.
expressive full of feeling or meaning.
grieve to feel great sadness; mourn.
holistic handling or dealing with an entity in its entirety or wholeness rather than with emphasis on its parts or various aspects.
lengthy tediously long in duration, as a speech.
maintain to continue; keep in existence.
teeter to walk, stand, or act in an unsteady, wavering manner.