Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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airport a large area of land where airplanes come and go.
chum (informal) a close friend; pal.
equipment anything made for a particular use. Jobs and sports often require special equipment.
folk people in general.
gang a group of people who do things together. These things may be just for fun or may involve crime.
golden having a shiny, deep yellow color.
holy relating to a god or religion.
illness the state of being unwell; sickness.
jaw either or both of the two bones that frame the mouth and hold the teeth.
mix to put different things together so that the parts become one.
recycle to put used things through a process that allows them to be used again.
runway a smooth, level strip on which airplanes take off and land.
silence a lack of sound.
surely certainly.
terrible causing fear, terror, or horror.