Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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budget a plan for how much money will be spent and earned during a certain period.
bulge a rounded or swollen part caused by pressure from below or within.
championship the position or title of champion.
disabled unable to do certain things because of a medical condition or an accident.
equip to provide with what is needed to complete a task.
federal having to do with a system of government that unites several states under a central government. The states have their own governments, yet they recognize the rule of the central government as well.
gleam a small or brief flash or beam of light.
imagine to form in the mind a thought, picture, or image of.
insurance a protection against certain accidents that is provided by a company in return for payment of a fee.
irrigate to supply with water by artificial means from a natural source of water.
orphan a child whose parents have died.
rotate to cause to turn around on an axis.
structure a thing made up of a number of parts joined together in a certain way.
suggestion a comment that offers an idea about what could be done.
vote a formal expression of a choice in an election or other group decision.