Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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apparatus tools or equipment made for a particular task.
candid without deception or concealment; honest; forthright.
climate the usual weather conditions in a place.
commerce the buying and selling of goods or services; trade; business.
deprecate to disparage or treat as having small value; depreciate.
dissent to disagree with an opinion or belief held by many others.
ecstatic in a condition of extreme delight, overpowering emotion, or religious trance; enraptured.
esteem to have a high opinion of; respect; honor.
herald a person who conveys or announces official news; messenger.
juror a person who is a member of a jury.
momentum strength of movement.
outrageous extremely wrong or harmful.
slaughter the killing and butchering of animals for food.
vacate to make vacant or unoccupied by leaving.
vengeance injury or damage done to a person in return for injury or damage inflicted by him or her; retribution.