Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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court a place where legal matters are heard.
crime something that people do that is against the law.
crown a metal object worn on the head by kings and queens. Crowns are often made of gold or silver.
housework the work of taking care of a household, especially cleaning inside the house.
include to have or contain as a part of the whole.
jail a building in which a government keeps people who have broken a law.
money the coins or paper bills of a country that are used to buy things or pay for services.
pan an open, metal container for cooking or baking.
pile a number of things on top of each other, or a mass of material that forms a small hill.
raise to move to a higher position.
scare to frighten.
snap to break suddenly with a cracking noise.
strain to hurt or injure something by using it too much.
switch to change; shift.
trap to catch and not let escape.