Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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agony great or intense pain and suffering in the mind or body, usually over a long period of time.
alien someone who lives in a country who is not a citizen of that country.
blueprint a print of a drawing that shows a building plan. Blueprints usually have white lines on a blue background.
census an official count of the people who live in a country or other area. A census is also used to collect information about these people, such as their job, age, or sex.
chronology the order of events in time.
complementary acting or serving to complete; completing.
constructive serving to make better or more clear; helpful.
indignation righteous anger in response to something considered unjust or unworthy.
leisurely unhurried; slow.
notify to tell about; give notice of.
peninsula a piece of land surrounded on nearly all sides by water. It is connected to a larger body of land by a usually narrow strip of land.
repent1 to be sorry or feel remorse for sins or transgressions; be penitent.
strew to scatter or sprinkle.
tempt to try to get (someone) to do something wrong or not wise by offering or seeming to offer something very desirable.
unexpected unforeseen; surprising.