Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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benevolent desiring to do good for others; generous.
bromide a bland or trite remark or idea.
confederation the act or process of confederating or allying.
deficit The amount by which something is less than what is needed. A deficit of money is caused by spending more than has been taken in.
lineage1 descent from or the descendants of a common or particular ancestor or ancestry.
namesake one who has been named after another.
perceptual of, relating to, or involving perception.
realist a person who tends to see or present things as they actually are.
redress compensation or reparation; amends.
revulsion violent dislike and disgust; abhorrence; loathing.
sanction permission for an action; approval.
secular of or concerning the world and material concerns as opposed to religious or spiritual concerns; temporal.
slur to speak of disparagingly; belittle.
titanic having enormous size, strength, or power; colossal; huge.
volatility the quality or condition of being highly changeable or inconsistent.