Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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beguile to deceive or cheat by using guile.
choleric having a quick temper; easily angered.
cite to use the words of someone else; quote.
composite made up of several parts.
compulsive driven by an obsession or compulsion.
extrapolate to make an estimate or inference of (future probability or the like) on the basis of what is already known or has already occurred.
foretaste a partial, advance experience or realization of something that will come or happen in the future.
impassable impossible to go past, through, over, or around.
intrepid feeling or showing no fear; courageous; bold.
laud to praise.
mediate to act as an intermediary in (a dispute) or bring about (an agreement).
perspicacity keenness of mental perception or grasp; astuteness.
temerity reckless or foolish boldness; rash disregard of danger.
tenet any belief, opinion, doctrine, or the like, that a person or especially an organization holds as being true.
vapid lacking spirit, life, or flavor; dull; uninteresting.