Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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behavior the typical actions of a person, animal, thing, or group, either in general or in certain situations.
brace to support, hold steady, or prop up.
circular having a round shape or outline.
compare to note or describe the similarities or differences of.
guitar a stringed instrument with a long neck and five, six, or twelve strings that are strummed or plucked.
modest not thinking too highly of oneself; humble.
residence a house or any other place where one lives; home.
resume to start again after stopping.
scroll a roll of paper or parchment, used to write or draw on.
skill the power or ability to perform a task well, especially because of training or practice.
stingy spending or giving as little as possible.
unfortunate having bad luck; unlucky.
vow to promise or pledge in a serious way.
whisper to speak in a soft, low tone.
wipe to clean or dry by rubbing lightly with a soft cloth, paper, or one's hand.