Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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alienate to cause to become unfriendly or averse; estrange.
carouse to revel in a boisterous and drunken manner.
covetous desiring that which belongs to another; wanting possessions; greedy.
depict to show, describe, or portray in a painting, sculpture, or written work.
expendable considered able to be replaced, given up, or sacrificed.
fiasco an utter and shameful failure.
gratuitous given or done without sufficient reason or justification; unwarranted.
notation a system of signs used to stand for numbers, words, or musical notes.
patron a regular customer of a shop, restaurant, or some other business.
pellucid extremely clear in meaning.
protégé a person under the care or sponsorship of an influential patron.
recluse a person who lives in voluntary isolation from others.
redeem to make up for; balance.
seclude to keep apart from other people or activity.
vociferous crying out, especially in protest; vocal; clamorous.