Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bawdy coarsely or indecently humorous; risqué.
befall to happen to.
belated too late; tardy.
cite to use the words of someone else; quote.
demean1 to lower in esteem, stature, or dignity; degrade.
disenfranchise to deprive (someone) of a right of citizenship, especially the right to vote.
disincline to cause to be unwilling or reluctant.
fervor strength, heatedness, or intensity of feeling; impassioned enthusiasm.
garish marked by excessive or tasteless color or decoration; gaudy; flashy.
gauche deficient in manners or other conventions of social behavior; boorish; crude.
ingrate an ungrateful person.
intercede to act as a mediator in a dispute or disagreement.
intolerant not able or not willing to accept different opinions, beliefs, customs, or people; not tolerant.
prosaic straightforward and plain; unimaginative; dull.
pursuant following on or proceeding from (usually followed by "to").