Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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announce to tell or make known.
believe to accept as honest or true.
bough a main branch of a tree.
box1 a container made of stiff material that usually has four sides, a bottom, and a lid.
market a place where people buy and sell things.
mineral a pure, hard substance in the earth that does not come from an animal or a plant.
pure not mixed with anything else; made of only one substance.
rescue to make someone safe again; bring out of a dangerous situation.
silk a fine, soft, shiny fiber produced by certain insects.
simple easy to do or understand.
spacecraft a vehicle designed to travel in outer space.
thump a heavy, dull sound of one thing hitting another.
trouble serious difficulty.
umbrella a device that protects you from the rain. It has cloth stretched over a wire frame that is held up by a long handle.
word a sound or group of sounds that has some meaning that other people can understand. Words are a basic unit of language.