Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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award to give as a prize or honor.
banker1 an owner or high level employee of an institution where money is kept safe, exchanged, or lent.
county one of several sections into which a U.S. state is divided.
developer someone who buys land and makes it ready to be used for homes, business, recreation, or the like.
enrich to make wealthier.
episode one event in a series of events in a person's life or a story.
evidence something that gives proof or a reason to believe.
feedback the giving back of opinions, corrections, or other comments from people who have been presented with something like a product, process, or event.
nugget a small, solid lump.
perk1 to recover good spirits or energy (usually followed by "up").
rapid happening in a short or brief time.
remedy something used to take away pain or heal a disease.
slobber to let liquid, especially saliva, dribble from the mouth; drool.
weary tired in body or mind; fatigued.
weep to show strong feelings by crying.