Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accountability the state or quality of being responsible for providing an explanation or justification.
bereavement the condition or fact of being deprived of something or someone, especially by the death of a loved one.
catharsis in psychotherapy, the bringing of repressed thoughts and feelings to consciousness in order to release emotional tension, or the release itself.
complacent too satisfied with oneself or one's situation.
conspirator a person who is involved in a plot with others to perform or a criminal or wrongful act.
immobile standing or holding still; not moving; motionless.
incontrovertible not able to be questioned or disputed.
inexorable not subject to change by any force or influence; unyielding or unrelenting.
opportune favorable or suitable, especially in relation to time.
palatable acceptable or pleasing to the sense of taste.
reaffirm to verify by asserting again.
rescind to take back or make invalid; revoke.
sedate composed and dignified.
slacken to decrease activity, strength, speed, intensity, or the like.
theocracy a form of government in which a god or gods are acknowledged as the ultimate authority.