Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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chalk a type of soft, white stone. Chalk is made into long thin shapes used for writing or drawing.
color a quality of light as our eyes see it. Red, blue, and yellow are some colors.
fade to lose color.
finish to reach or cause the end of; complete.
guess to give an answer or opinion without enough information to be certain.
instant happening right away; without delay; immediate.
leadership ability or skill as a leader.
midnight twelve o'clock at night.
motorcycle a vehicle with two wheels, a heavy frame, and an engine.
muscle the soft pieces of flesh in animals and humans that make the bones move.
pilgrim a person who takes a trip to a holy place for a religious purpose.
squeeze to press firmly together.
starve to die or suffer from not eating.
vanish to disappear suddenly from sight.
widow a woman whose husband has died.