Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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churn a container in which cream or milk is beaten or shaken to form butter.
coach a person who trains and teaches people in sports.
count to give each thing in a group a number to learn how many there are.
dim having little or no light.
fry to cook in hot butter, oil, or other fat.
handsome having an attractive, healthy appearance.
notebook a book of blank pages to keep notes in.
operator a person whose job is to control a machine.
pretty pleasing or attractive to the eyes or ears.
rope pieces of string, wire, or similar material twisted together to make a thicker, stronger line.
short not long in size or time.
sleeve the part of a shirt or other piece of clothing that covers the arm.
stir to mix liquids together or move a liquid in a circle using your hand or an object.
trailer a wagon pulled by a car or truck and used to carry a load.
twin either of two children or animals born at the same time to one mother.