Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alongside by the side of; next to; beside.
assistant a person who gives help or aid.
attractive having qualities that people like, admire, or are drawn to.
axis a real or imaginary line through the center of an object, around which the object turns.
blind not able to see; having no sight.
definite clear or exact.
direct to give instructions that lead or guide.
disability something that makes a person unable to do certain things that most people can do.
divorce to use the law to bring an end to a marriage with (someone).
merchandise goods for buying and selling.
observer one who watches or listens.
pollute to make dirty or harmful to health by mixing in or adding waste material.
sarcastic using harsh or bitter words that are meant to hurt, tease, or make fun of another person.
tile a flat or shaped piece of baked clay or other hard material, used to cover floors, walls, or roofs.
vaccine a substance used to protect people and animals from very serious diseases. Vaccines contain germs of a particular disease--these germs been killed or changed in a certain way in a laboratory to make them safe. A vaccine goes into a person's body in a shot that is given by a doctor or nurse. After a vaccine is put into a person's body, that person will not get that disease or will get only a mild case.