Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accustomed in the habit of (usually followed by "to").
alloy a substance made by mixing two or more metals or a metal and another substance.
array a large and impressive set of things; display.
beneficial having a good or favorable effect; helpful.
discourage to cause to lose hope or confidence.
elapse to go or slip by; pass or come to an end.
embargo a government order that restricts trade or the shipment of goods.
emblem an object that stands for something; symbol.
expire to come to an end.
gluttonous inclined to eat excessively; voracious.
harassment behavior that threatens, attacks, or offends another person repeatedly.
irk to annoy, irritate, or exasperate.
optimism the belief that things will turn out well or that there is always hope for something good to happen.
revelation the act of revealing.
zest a sense of great pleasure or enjoyment.