Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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borne past participle of "bear1" with meaning connected with carrying, supporting, or enduring.
consist to be made up or formed (usually followed by "of").
descendant one who comes from a given ancestor or ancestors.
divert to turn aside or away from something.
engagement a meeting with someone at a certain time; appointment.
inaugurate to start or cause to start formally.
inhabit to live in; use as a dwelling.
insincerity falsity or hypocrisy.
intrigue to draw the strong interest of; puzzle; fascinate.
morality general beliefs concerning what is right or wrong.
reckless paying no attention to danger; not at all careful.
significantly in an amount or to an extent that is important; considerably.
subsequent coming or happening after; following.
unexpected unforeseen; surprising.
validate to prove acceptable; verify.