Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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assume to suppose (something) to be true without knowing the actual facts; take for granted.
brighten to become or cause to be enlivened or more cheerful.
conflict to disagree strongly; differ.
discuss to talk together about.
inflation an increase in the average price level.
normal close to what is usual, average, or standard.
parade a public procession of people, marching bands, or vehicles in front of spectators as part of a celebration or ceremony.
patience the ability to calmly put up with pain or trouble without getting upset or angry.
patio a paved area next to a house that is used for dining or relaxing outdoors.
proof any material that proves something is true or real.
puny very small or weak; feeble.
replacement a person or thing that takes the position of another or takes over the function of another.
rig to make ready for use by attaching sails, lines, and rope.
transportation the act of carrying or moving something.
workplace the place where one does one's job, especially a factory, office, store, or the like.