Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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compound made up of two or more parts or elements.
cooperation the act of working together.
degrade to bring down from a higher to a lower rank or degree by taking away a position or title.
enumeration the act or process of naming or listing one by one.
facility a building made or used for a particular activity.
freshman a student in the first year of high school, college, or university.
legendary having to do with or like a legend.
lush growing thick and healthy.
overcome to win against or defeat; to get over or past.
peninsula a piece of land surrounded on nearly all sides by water. It is connected to a larger body of land by a usually narrow strip of land.
political having to do with the study or practice of government and its policies.
reminisce to recall past experiences, often with fondness or pleasure.
solely only; for no other reason; completely.
stern1 firm and determined; not flexible.
whet to sharpen the cutting edge of (a knife or tool); hone.