Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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assist to give aid or support to.
battery a device that makes electricity by using chemical reactions. Batteries are used to power many things, including cars, flashlights, toys, and watches.
burden something that is carried or difficult to bear.
constitution the set of basic laws by which a nation, state, or other organization is governed.
deck the floor on a ship or boat. Sometimes a ship has several decks at different levels.
difficult hard to do or understand.
directly without space or action in between.
glamorous full of or characterized by fascination, allure, or excitement.
headdress a covering or decoration for the head.
meadow an open field of grass that is growing wild or is used for pasture or to grow hay. A meadow usually contains wildflowers and weeds as well.
mechanical made of or having to do with machines.
nickname a name given to a person, place, or thing in place of the real name.
plastic an artificial substance made from certain kinds of chemicals that can be easily shaped when soft. Plastic is formed into many materials and products.
stubble the stubs of crop stalks, as of corn, that remain in the ground after the crop has been cut.
wield to handle and use (a weapon, tool, or the like), especially with power or control.