Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bigot one who is prejudiced against and intolerant of any group or belief that is not his or her own, especially religious, racial, or ethnic.
buoyancy the capacity to float or rise to the top in a liquid or gas.
conformist one who tends to act in accordance or compliance with established standards or norms.
contiguous in contact; touching; adjoining.
cuisine a particular type of cooking, especially that of a particular region, or the food in general that is prepared in this way.
dote to have or show too much love or affection (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
exchangeable capable of being interchanged with or given in return for another.
irreverent not having or showing respect.
maxim a brief, concise statement of a general or basic truth or rule, especially for proper conduct.
mercenary interested only in money and material gain.
migratory changing habitat or location periodically, as in response to changes in climate or job opportunities.
obsequious showing or tending to show servile obedience or deference; fawning.
orator a person who delivers a public speech, or one skilled at formal public speaking.
perfectionist one who tends not to be satisfied with less than flawless performance from herself or himself.
progression the act of moving forward or onward.