Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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chance the quality of happening by accident and without being planned or predicted.
commence to begin or start.
decrease to become less or smaller.
demand to ask for forcefully; order.
fender a metal guard over the wheel of a truck, car, or bicycle.
grace beauty or charm in form, style, or motion.
handshake the gripping of hands between two people when they meet or say good-bye.
margin an edge or the area near it; border.
salute to show respect by raising the right hand to the forehead.
slim attractively thin in form; slender.
stutter to repeat sounds when speaking, as if unable to complete or begin certain words.
swish to move quickly, making a whistling or rustling sound.
thorough leaving nothing out; complete.
weekend the part of the week between Friday evening and Sunday evening.
whole having the entire amount or length.