Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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artificial made by human beings; not natural.
compete to try to win or get something that others are also trying to get.
considerate thoughtful of the feelings and needs of others.
decrease to become less or smaller.
fake to make a false copy of.
figure a number or other written symbol that is not a letter of the alphabet.
fountain a spray of water created by a machine, or the structure from which the water flows.
gloom lack of light; darkness.
intense having a very great degree of something, such as heat, or being in a very great degree or state.
predicament a difficult or dangerous situation with a solution that may be hard to find.
professional a person who has or shows skill in a particular field, especially one who is paid for work in this field.
surpass to be greater or larger than; go beyond.
talon a claw of a bird or animal.
vent an opening through which a gas or vapor can enter, pass through, or exit.
warp to bend or twist out of shape.