Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bourgeois of, related to, or characteristic of the middle class.
charismatic having unusually strong personal allure or appeal.
curriculum the courses offered at a school or in a particular area of study.
discontinuance the act of stopping or condition of being stopped; interruption.
dysfunctional of a relationship, family, or social group, not working normally or in a way beneficial to all.
expeditious prompt and efficient.
luxuriant growing thickly and in great numbers; lush.
malediction the expression of a wish that evil or harm come to someone; curse.
manifold abundant and varied.
mores the behaviors and manners accepted and expected in a social group, embodying its fundamental moral standards.
motif a distinct formal unit such as a design, theme, or musical phrase that may repeat in, dominate, characterize, or be a prominent feature of an aesthetic or decorative work.
motley made up of a contrasting variety of types, appearances, or the like; very heterogeneous.
precept a basic rule, principle, or directive that guides action, moral conduct, or thought.
presage to be a sign or warning of; portend or foretell.
sophomoric displaying intellectual pretentiousness or proud confidence about one's knowledge when actually poorly informed or immature.