Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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attrition a gradual erosion of strength or morale.
aver to assert to be true; affirm.
capacious able to contain a large amount; roomy.
dapple to mark or be marked with spots or mottling.
gargantuan (sometimes capitalized) of enormous proportions; huge; gigantic.
intolerable too difficult or unpleasant to be near or to bear.
irrevocable impossible to take back, undo, or cancel.
lassitude lack of mental or physical energy; weariness or listlessness; lethargy.
preclude to prevent from happening by means of prior action or previously established condition.
sophistry a subtle, deceptive method of reasoning or arguing, involving statements that sound plausible but are actually false or fallacious.
squalid dirty or foul, as from neglect.
subterfuge a stratagem or artifice used to hide, avoid, or deceive.
tacit suggested, implied, or understood, without being expressed in words.
tangent a line of discussion leading away from the original topic; digression.
tirade a long, forceful, or angry speech, often critical or denunciatory in nature; harangue.