Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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attune to adjust so as to be harmonious.
despoil to forcefully take belongings or goods from; plunder.
deter to stop or discourage from some action by creating doubt or fear.
dilatory used to cause a delay.
foible a minor flaw or weakness in personality, character, or behavior.
impromptu without advance plan or preparation; spontaneously.
impute to ascribe or attribute to a source or cause.
innocuous not capable of causing damage; harmless.
malfeasance an illegal act or wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
malingerer one who pretends to be ill or injured, especially in order to avoid work or duty.
maunder to speak in an aimless or foolish way; babble.
misanthrope someone who hates or distrusts humanity.
ostentation a showy display to impress others.
recrudesce to become active again or break out anew, as a disease or harmful condition.
salvo the firing of guns or other firearms simultaneously or in succession, especially as a salute.