Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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artist a person who has skill in painting, drawing, music, or other similar activities.
challenge to invite to enter into a fight or contest of skill; dare.
chunk a thick lump or piece of any material.
commissioner the head of a government department.
crochet to form by looping thread in a pattern of connected stitches.
deceit the act of lying or cheating.
embarrass to make uncomfortable or ill at ease.
forth forward; onward in time or location.
judge a person trained to hear and decide cases brought before a court of law.
loot valuables taken by force in a war; spoils.
noble belonging to a class of people with a high rank or title.
parole the release of a prisoner before the time of punishment is finished. Prisoners who are given parole have behaved well in prison. When on parole, they must obey certain rules.
trickle to fall or flow in drops or in a thin, weak stream.
tunnel an underground or underwater passage created so that people or vehicles can go through it.
wrench to damage or hurt by twisting.