Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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analyst someone trained or skilled in a particular type of analysis.
central main or principal; most important.
connection the fact of being related; relationship or association.
delete to remove from a written work.
emerge to rise up from or come into view.
exceptional different, unusual, or out of the ordinary.
expertise a high level of knowledge or skill.
formula a rule or way of doing something expressed in a standard way using words or symbols.
lame not able to walk well; disabled.
largely mostly; mainly; to a large extent.
melodious having a pleasant melody.
patient a person or animal that is getting medical treatment.
rummage to make a thorough search by turning over and looking through the contents of.
skillet a shallow pan with a long handle, used for frying food; frying pan.
tingle to have a light stinging or prickly feeling.