Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alchemy an ancient exploration and practice of chemistry which flourished particularly during medieval times. Practitioners used chemical processes in the hope of, for example, producing gold from base metals, finding the key to eternal life, and uncovering a single cure for all disease.
boredom the state of being bored or of not feeling interested.
convict to find guilty of a crime.
divert to turn aside or away from something.
doom an event or end that one cannot escape; fate; destiny.
enforce to put in force; make people obey.
engage to get or hold the interest of; occupy.
enhance to improve or add to the quality, value, or attractiveness of.
experimental having to do with testing or experiments.
improper not correct.
practitioner a person working in a trade, occupation, or profession.
similarity the state or quality of being similar; resemblance.
transcription a written or typed copy of something dictated or heard.
unavoidable impossible to avoid or escape; inevitable.
woo to solicit or invite (some consequence or result).