Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allusion an indirect reference to or mention of something.
bogus not authentic; counterfeit.
capitulate to surrender or acquiesce.
crossfire a volley of projectiles, especially gunfire, directed at some central point from two separated positions.
gaffe a crude social error; blunder; faux pas.
ignominy the condition of being in disgrace or dishonor; humiliation.
mollify to ease or soothe the anger or emotion of; make calmer; appease.
orator a person who delivers a public speech, or one skilled at formal public speaking.
outmoded no longer in keeping with current standards or practices; obsolete.
provincial limited in outlook; narrow-minded.
roster a list of names of individuals or groups belonging to or participating in an organization, class, military or police unit, or the like.
scanty barely adequate; meager.
serendipity lucky coincidence or accidental discovery of something pleasant or valuable.
undercut to act so as to lessen the effectiveness or influence of; undermine or thwart.
wasteland land where there are no living things or where nothing will grow.