Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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account a story or report.
bolt a metal or wooden bar on a door that slides into an opening in the frame. When the bolt is inserted into the frame, the door stays closed.
clatter to make a loud rattling noise.
deception the act of causing someone to believe something that is not true.
despise to hate or scorn.
fascinate to attract and hold the attention and interest of.
gallery a building used to display or sell art.
gear any equipment, clothes, or tools used for some particular purpose.
grocery a store where food and other household supplies are sold; grocery store.
naked wearing no clothing; bare.
outskirts the edges or outlying areas of a city or town.
rapid happening in a short or brief time.
torture the intentional causing of great physical or emotional pain to a person or animal.
trigger to cause, begin, or set off.
urge to push or drive forward or onward.