Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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brevity shortness of duration.
candor the quality of openness, honesty, and straightforwardness in expression.
dais a raised platform for speakers or the seating of special guests.
discreet reserved and judicious, especially in talking about or otherwise revealing confidential matters; circumspect.
dispensary a room in an institution, such as a hospital, in which medical supplies are kept and given out.
exhilaration intense high spirits.
facilitate to make less difficult; help in the doing of.
flaunt to display ostentatiously; show off.
folio a large sheet of paper that has been folded once to form two leaves or four pages of a book or manuscript.
inordinate beyond the bounds of reason; excessive.
ogle to look or stare at (someone) in a lustful or flirtatious manner.
populous having a large population.
ravenous very hungry; starved.
ruminate to think at length; meditate.
uncomplicated not difficult to understand or deal with; simple; straightforward.