Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bare wearing no clothing or covering; naked.
barrel a large round container with a flat top and bottom that is used to keep liquids. Barrels are often made of wood.
center the area or part of something that forms the middle.
courthouse a building where courts of law and other government offices are located.
heaven (usually plural) the sky, including the stars, sun, moon, and planets as seen from the earth.
jog to run at a slow rate for exercise.
march to walk with steady, regular steps together with others.
nature the basic character and qualities of a person or thing.
peanut a seed that people eat like a nut but grows under the ground and is in the same family of plants as beans.
real actual or true.
ruin complete destruction.
sheet a large piece of cloth used to cover a bed.
teacher a person whose job is explaining and showing things to students so that they can learn.
tight fastened or shut in a secure way; fixed in place.
toss to throw gently.