Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bargain an agreement that contains the terms of a transaction or exchange.
brief short in length of time.
colonial of or related to a colony or colonies.
comic amusing or funny.
declaration an official or formal announcement or proclamation, or the document containing it.
democracy a form of government in which power rests with the people, either directly or through elected representatives.
educator a person who teaches.
equip to provide with what is needed to complete a task.
guarantee a promise, especially in writing, that something one has bought will work properly. If it does not, the seller or maker must either repair or replace it.
gutter a ditch along the edge of a road or a long, open container attached to the edge of a roof for carrying off water.
heed to give one's attention to; listen to; take notice of.
production the act or process of making or manufacturing.
starch a white food substance found in many foods.
stress to place importance on or give special attention to; underline.
uncomfortable not feeling at ease.