Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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addition the process of finding the total of two or more numbers.
cannon a large gun that is set on wheels or some other base. Cannons fire heavy shells.
carol a song of joy, especially a Christmas song.
cough the act or pushing air noisily out of the lungs, as a result of illness or something irritating one's air passages.
deed an act or action.
energy the ability to have force or power or to do work. There are many kinds of energy such as physical, electrical, nuclear, or chemical.
gap a space or opening between two things.
happy feeling glad, pleased, or comfortable.
nightmare a frightening dream.
oven a piece of equipment that you cook food in. An oven has a large metal box with a door.
ready prepared.
score the total points earned in a game or test.
slime a slippery liquid, such as thin mud or the slippery substance on fish.
underground located, living, or taking place beneath the earth's surface.
until up to the time when.