Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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agog highly excited and full of anticipation.
apprehensive feeling fearful about future events.
castellated constructed with turrets and battlements like a castle.
constrict to pull or squeeze in; make smaller or more narrow; tighten.
debouch to advance out of a confined or narrow space such as a canyon into open country.
ensconce to position (oneself) firmly or comfortably.
facetious not serious; humorous or frivolous.
froward unwilling to agree or obey; stubborn; perverse.
imprecation a curse, uttered or thought of.
indomitable too strong to be subdued or discouraged; unconquerable.
nonplus to cause (someone) to be unable to think of what to say, do, or decide; perplex; bewilder.
occlude to close or obstruct (a passage or opening, one's vision, or the like).
opiate something that induces relaxation, calm, or stupor.
refulgent shining brilliantly; radiant.
splenetic ill-tempered or spiteful.