Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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basis something that supports and is needed by all the other parts; starting point or foundation.
compare to note or describe the similarities or differences of.
deputy a person appointed to assist and sometimes act in the place of someone else.
identify to figure out or show who someone is or what something is.
improve to make better.
interrupt to cause to stop; break off.
maroon2 to leave on an island or coast, far from other people; abandon.
nomination the act of choosing a person to run for office.
ornament something that is added to make something more beautiful to look at; decoration.
paralyze to make unable to move or to feel any sensation.
pollute to make dirty or harmful to health by mixing in or adding waste material.
preserve to protect from being hurt or harmed.
rival a person whom one tries to be better than; competitor.
tax a sum of money paid to a government, which the government uses to pay for its services to the people and to maintain itself.
trinket a small piece of jewelry or other object used for decoration, usually inexpensive.