Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bias an opinion or liking that does not let one be fair; prejudice.
currency the money that is used in a country.
deluge a flood caused by a great amount of water.
dwindle to become or cause to become gradually smaller or less until almost nothing remains; shrink.
ego one's feeling about oneself, especially in comparison with other people.
ineffective producing little or none of the desired or intended impact.
integrity a strong sense of honesty; firmness of moral character.
muster to cause to come together; assemble.
publicize to make widely known; advertise.
rebirth a major recurrence, as of a phenomenon; revival.
rebound to bounce or leap back or away after hitting something.
reconstruction the act or result of rebuilding or remaking.
reference the act or fact of mentioning.
remnant a quantity, piece, or part that is left over or remains.
skulk to hide or wait in hiding; lurk.