Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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ascertain to learn without question; determine.
banal lacking originality or liveliness; disappointingly ordinary; commonplace; trite.
disquisition a formal, often lengthy, oral or written discussion of a subject.
distraught mentally or emotionally unbalanced; crazed.
diurnal occurring or active during, or belonging to, the daytime rather than nighttime.
erratic not expected or predicted; not regular.
glean to gather or discover (facts, information, or the like) a little at a time.
modular designed with standardized units that may be arranged or connected in a variety of ways.
ostentation a showy display to impress others.
pedagogy the act, process, or profession of teaching.
requite to retaliate for; strike back on account of.
sepsis infection, especially by pus-forming bacteria in the blood or tissues.
stative in grammar, of or designating a category of verbs that express state or condition.
sudorific causing or increasing sweat, as a medication.
travesty something so grotesque or inferior as to seem a parody.