Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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argue to give reasons for or against something.
disappoint to fail to do or give something expected or hoped for.
genial cheerful and friendly.
grudge anger that is held onto for a long time.
imitate to copy the actions of; try to be like.
mention to speak of briefly or in passing.
merit worth or high quality.
mesh a material or article made of fiber woven to form open spaces, as in a net.
permission agreement from an authority that one may do something.
perspire to give off moisture through the pores of the skin; sweat.
rotate to cause to turn around on an axis.
shine to give off or reflect light.
snicker to laugh in a sly and partly restrained way.
strategic related to the planning of a series of actions that are meant to lead to a large goal, especially in war.
thrust to push or drive with force.