Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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barrier something that blocks the way such as a fence or wall.
bonus a payment added to a person's regular pay as a reward for hard work.
childhood the period or state of being young and not fully grown.
dramatically to a large or impressive degree; sharply; significantly.
elegant fine or rich in quality.
evaporate to turn from liquid into gas; pass away in the form of vapor.
fascinate to attract and hold the attention and interest of.
gleam a small or brief flash or beam of light.
optional left to someone's choice; not required.
pleasant nice; enjoyable.
rival a person whom one tries to be better than; competitor.
sarcastic using harsh or bitter words that are meant to hurt, tease, or make fun of another person.
teammate a member of the same team or group.
undertake to decide or start to do.
worth good or important enough for.