Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appall to cause to feel shock or horror.
canter a horse's gait between a trot and a gallop.
collaboration a cooperative effort by which people or organizations work together to accomplish a common project or mission.
definitely without a doubt; certainly.
dramatic of or having to do with the theater and plays.
expense money needed to buy or do something; cost.
full-time involving or working the standard number of working hours per week, typically forty hours in the U.S.
generally for the most part.
insult to speak to or treat without respect or in a way that hurts feelings.
resist to fight against or oppose.
select preferred over others.
survey the collecting of information on a particular subject from a small portion of the public.
trench a deep, narrow ditch.
unfortunately used to express that an event being talked about is something unlucky or something that turned out badly.
weave to make by passing threads or strips over and under each other.