Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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akin similar in kind or spirit; alike.
attorney a person whose job is to give legal advice and to speak for people in court; lawyer.
debut a person's first appearance on stage, in concert, or on film.
demise the end of existence or operation.
equine of or similar to a horse.
hamper1 to get in the way of.
haven the place where a ship anchors; harbor or port.
legendary having to do with or like a legend.
maintenance the act of taking care of or keeping in good condition.
quarry a large open hole or pit dug for mining stone, marble, gravel, or the like.
seam a line formed by sewing two pieces of fabric together.
slander a false statement or statements made to hurt someone's reputation, or the act of making such statements.
sovereignty supreme power or authority, especially over a state or other political body.
status a person's position or rank compared with others.
supplementary additional; extra.