Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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appease to cause to become calmer by meeting demands.
carouse to revel in a boisterous and drunken manner.
chastise to punish, often corporally.
dogmatist one who asserts opinions or beliefs as though they were facts.
elixir a sweetened, aromatic solution of alcohol and water used as a vehicle for medicines.
fractious inclined to be irritable and quarrelsome; cranky.
hegemony predominance of one country or social group over others by virtue of leadership or influence.
infatuation the condition of being deprived of judgment by an irrational or foolish attachment to someone or something.
largess liberality in giving, especially money, and often with an implication of the giver's superiority.
linear having to do with a line; straight.
odium hatred, strong dislike, or repugnance.
outstrip to exceed or surpass.
resonance ability to make a strong or lasting effect, especially because of an emotional association.
synoptic forming a summary or overview.
unnoticed not seen, perceived, or discovered.