Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aristocracy a class of people who have a high social position because of the family they are born into. Members of the aristocracy are usually richer and have more privileges than other members of society.
bilious ill-tempered; irritable.
fraught accompanied by; full of, usually something bad or unpleasant.
incense2 to make very angry.
innumerable very many.
kindred a group of related people, such as a tribe or clan.
lassitude lack of mental or physical energy; weariness or listlessness; lethargy.
martinet a person who enforces very strict discipline, especially in the military.
obituary a printed announcement of a person's death, usually including a brief biography and information about funeral arrangements.
prescience knowledge of future occurrences; foreknowledge.
secular of or concerning the world and material concerns as opposed to religious or spiritual concerns; temporal.
singularity an unusual trait or quality.
skeptic one who is inclined to question or doubt assertions that are made or accepted by others.
slur to speak of disparagingly; belittle.
urbane refined in manner; polished; elegant.