Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aerate to expose to the circulation or chemical action of air in order to ventilate or cleanse.
combatant someone or something that engages in fighting, especially as part of warfare.
encroachment the act of exceeding proper or intended limits, as of territory or property.
endemic native to or restricted to a given place or population.
exigency a condition of urgency.
havoc ruin or devastation.
indigenous being the people or animals that originally lived and may continue to live in a particular country or region.
orthodox of, having to do with, or following what is believed or practiced by most other people.
pessimistic feeling in a negative way about things; expecting the worst to happen.
pique to cause (a feeling or action) to be aroused or incited.
pugnacious ready or eager to fight; overly aggressive or quarrelsome.
quell to overpower or suppress with force; put down; quash.
reproof an act or statement of disapproval.
repudiate to reject completely as invalid or untrue.
subpoena in law, a formal written order summoning a witness to give testimony or requiring that specified evidence be submitted.